Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sherman the turtle

OK I actually found time to take pictures of Sherman the turtle that I'm knitting for the girls. Like I said before I got the pattern from and I found it through ravelry.

The body of the turtle is on the left and the legs are on the right. Below is the shell in progress. I decided to be different and use purple and natural grey for the colors. My plan is to make one turtle MC- Purple CC- grey and the next turtle the other way around. This is if I have enough yarn to make both.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Surprise long weekend and one less in diapers !!!

We had a decent sized snow storm this past Friday so we got a nice long weekend that is great. I love these extra moments to have fun with the kids and get some knitting and spinning in while the kids are napping (like right now). DD- E is finally getting on a routine and is having a morning nap and an afternoon nap. It seems like as soon as she was able to start eating solid her whole personality has changed. She now sleeps through the night and is happy when she is awake. Her happiness makes everyone in the house happy because now I can finally put her down and get something done she is getting so big.

The other good news is that DD - B is finally out of diapers. I mean I can't really complain she is only two so it could be worse. I am just so proud of her. She is so independent and already wants to go potty by herself. Here is a picture of the girls that we took the other night when they were being silly.

Right now I'm working on knitting a stuffed turtle for each of the girls. I got the pattern from ravelry, they are going to be so cute. I am using my fiber challenge fiber to make them. Our guild gives us 8 oz of fiber to create something ( this year it is coopworth). I've got one of the bodies made and I'm working on the last leg. The other thing that I am working on is spinning up some 75% coopworth 25% Alpaca for a sweater that I want to make for myself. Well I'll post some Pics of these things latter I am going to do a little knotting and spinning while the kids are sleeping.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Not much time to do anything

OK I know its been awhile since I posted. Since the Baby has been born it just seems I can't get anything done. She is so different from my first. The first was so easy. You could put her in a swing and she would be happy for hours. This one on the other hand. I can't seem to put her down. If I do she only let me for about 15-30 min and that is with her complaining the whole time. Now we have more trouble coming as well..... she won't take a bottle and if she does it is only from me. We are going to be in big trouble in a few weeks when she starts daycare. She is such a momma's girl. Don't get me wrong I love cuddling, but I do need to do other things as well, like go to the bathroom with out her crying.
Needless to say I have not been able to get much spinning in or anything else. The good news is that it can all wait and sooner or later she will be off playing and I will be able to sit down and do something. Right now I'm just enjoing the moments that she isn't crying. She is getting so big so fast. At 2 months she weighed 9.5 lbs and at 3.5 months she is already 15 lbs!!!! SHE JUST DOESN'T STOP EATING! I can't imagine how big she is going to get when she starts eating soilds.