Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We have lambs!!!

 Billy woke me up bright and early this am. He came running in saying you have to get we have lambs out there. I flew out of bed threw on a pair of jeans, sweatshirt and my boots. All I can remember is Billy's face he looked so worried and at a loss of what to do it was kind of funny. I went out and brought them up to mama, she was a little confused, but by the end of a very long day we finally are doing OK and seem to be settling in.
 I had a really hard time taking pictures because they kept following me, but here they are :)

Twin ram lambs. We have not named them yet because we need to decide after our other ewe delivers  who we are keeping and who is going. However, Beth already has at least one name picked out ;)
Here is a shot of one of them that was temporarily sitting still. One is more black and the other I think will be a gray.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dye Studio

The other day when I was dyeing I decided that it would be fun to share where I do all my dyeing. I have converted our enclosed porch into my little dye studio. I is nothing fancy, but i works for me.  I love all the light I get in there and I also love the fact that the kids can be outside playing and I can keep an eye on them while I'm getting something done at the same time.

It looks like a mess, but it is a organized mess :) Both tables are preped and ready to go.

 This is roving that is all spun out and ready to be dyed, I'm doing this one some semi-solids.
Here you can see that I use old milk jugs and make my most common colors by the gallon. The less common colors I use small soda bottles.

Here is some of the of the fiber that I dyed drying on the clothes line.

Finally, maybe you saw this big pile in the first picture. This is my done pile. Well its kind of done.... its done in the sense that its all dyed and pin drafted, now it just needs to be weighted skeined and tagged,lol. This is one job that I can't wait to give the girls when they are a little older ;)